Just another Voices of Migration site


I was finally able to get my first and second interview done. I actually had a really great time doing it. I drove to Lewiston and set up camp at the Immigrant Resource Center of Maine. I was able to interview Fatuma who runs the Immigrant Resource Center of Maine. Hearing her story was so interesting because she was among the very first wave of immigrants to Lewiston, so she was here for everything: the letter from the mayor, the rallies held, and started this nonprofit. I can’t wait to be able to share her story.

My second interview was with a young lady who has only been in the country for about two years. One of the more interesting things she said was that she believes the different communities need more interaction with each other. There are many shops that carry ethnic food and goods that have been set up by the new immigrants to Maine. She told me that the white residents rarely visit those shops and vice versa and it would help the community to work together if there was more cross-cultural interaction. Since I was in town I decided to check one out and get some lunch there. It was definitely a different atmosphere from grocery stores that I am used to, but the chicken and rice I got was mighty delicious.


  1. Joe

    I’m hearing similar things from my interviews, that more cross-cultural interaction is needed. Glad your first two went so well!

  2. Sarah Leaird

    That is great that you got some interviews completed and even stepped outside your comfort zone to visit a new place. Maybe you can be the one to introduce more white residents to the ethnic stores. I can’t wait to see your project!

  3. Olivia Donaldson

    Sounds like you had a really productive outing to Lewiston. I can’t wait to see the stories, and I’d love to learn of recommended shops and eateries for next time I am there!

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