Welcome to Exploring Greek Migration to the Berkshires! We appreciate your time as you navigate your way through the website. This site was created as a final project for one of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC) online classes. Funded by the Mellon Grant Foundation, COPLACDigital brings together students and professors across the country as they work on authentic, community-based projects, produced in an online medium. This project was created in accordance with the class Voices of Migration, where students learned about the intricacies of migration, oral histories, digital tools, and website creation. Then, students picked a group of migrants in their community in which to collect oral histories. This website is the final product of interviews collected, all for the purpose of creating a humanizing, community-influenced migration narrative.

Listed below, please find a short description of the different aspects Exploring Greek Migration to the Berkshires has to offer. Under the ‘About’ dropdown menu, users will find biographies about the project creators, the mission statement, contact information, and a hyperlink to the Voices of Migration course website. The ‘Historical Migration Context’ page contains a description of Greek migration to the United States. The oral histories are located under the ‘Interviews’ dropdown menu and the creators’ reflection on the project can be found on the ‘Reflections’ page. Finally, Greek resources, businesses, and community centers may be found under the ‘Resources’ tab.

Thank you for your support and interest in both the Greek community of the Berkshires as well as in our project. We hope you enjoy your experience checking out Exploring Greek Migration to the Berkshires!