COPLAC: Voices of Migration

Interview Process Reflection (3/18)

Regarding the interview process, I do not have very much to report on yet. Being out of state for spring break made working on the project and communicating with my partner a challenge. In all honesty, I am behind where I want to be on the progress of the project. However, I believe recognizing this is important and, as a result, I have begun to plan out this upcoming week in order to catch up to the milestones outlined in the project contract. Listed below, please find my plan for the upcoming week so, by the following Sunday, I will have a more thorough interview progress report.

  • By Tuesday March 20th
    • Begin to make changes to the final project website in accordance with plans outlined in my last blog post (theme, color scheme)
    • Reach out to my Greek migration contact
    • Finish mediating comments to the revised project contract
    • Keep up with class assignments
  • By Thursday March 22nd
    • Schedule the first oral history interview for either the end of this week or the beginning of next week
    • Schedule a weekly progress report meeting with my partner
    • Keep up with class assignments

I believe by following this newly developed schedule, I can catch up to where I need to be. I apologize for not having a more complete interview process reflection; however, I intend to use my classmates’ reports as a way to prepare for my first interview. I look forward to reading and commenting on their blogs latter this week!


  1. Sarah Leaird

    I completely understand how you feel right now. Cristal and I have also been hitting some set-backs in regards to the interviews. On a positive note, that means you have a little more time to review the questions you want to ask and explore some more technological options. I think that once we all complete at least the first interview, the ball will start rolling a little smoother, as we will see what works and what doesn’t. Best of luck to you!

    • Morrison

      Exactly, there is always a bright side to potential setbacks! I have indeed been using my time to develop the project website and I will continue to explore/develop digital tools. Next on my list is downloading and practicing how to use Audacity and Soundcloud to prepare for when the time comes to edit the oral histories. I totally agree with your assessment that once the first interview takes place, the project will accelerate forward exponentially.

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