Mission statement

We will be interviewing Latin and Central American migrants in Western North Carolina. Our main research questions will cover who/what they had to leave behind in order to provide for themselves/their families and how the current political climate in the US impacts their work/life. We hope to bring to light the difficult journey that comes with migrating.

We will be consulting Companer@s Inmigrantes de las Montañas en Acción (CIMA) to learn more about how the law allows for the harsh treatment of these individuals, as well as Asheville Latin Americans Achieving Success (ALAS) to learn more about how they are assisting migrants and their families in accessing education and leadership training.

We hope to reach persons interested in human rights and organizations who assist migrants and their transition. Our project is important because it will bring forward the voices of those who are often ignored or simply not spoken about even though our country would not survive without them. We hope to make more people aware of the difficult journey migrants endure and the sacrifices they must make in order to start a new life in a new country.